Pension Plan Puppets FAQ

Q. What is Pension Plan Puppets?

A. Pension Plan Puppets is a SB Nation blog for fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs. It is a community for fans to stay informed and to speak their mind.

Q. Is Pension Plan Puppets affiliated with the NHL, the Toronto Maple Leafs, Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment or my 8th grade science teacher?

A. No. Pension Plan Puppets is a fan site that has absolutely no affiliation with anyone other than SB Nation.

Q. Who runs Pension Plan Puppets?

A. I do. Obviously PPP is a pen name but I am a lifelong Leaf fan that has lived through every high, every low, every unrealistically optimistic playoff run, and every painfully realistic elimination since 1983.

Q. I love the Leafs and have been looking for a site like this how do I become active?

A. In order to post a comment or diary you need to register for the site. In order to register you need to click "create account" in the menu on the top right corner. On the "create account" page you type in a user name, e-mail address, and a password.

Q. I don't like giving out my e-mail address is there anyway I can register without it?

A. Unfortunately not but you won't get any spam from me. The purpose of the e-mail address is to simply verify it is valid and avoid spammers from ruining our community.

Q. You said something about a diary, what is that?

A. Diaries are what makes SB Nation unique. It is basically a blog within a blog. It gives you the fan an opportunity to make your voice heard and other members of the community can comment on them. The best part is the best diaries can be published to the front page by me. If you need information on how to post a diary see the link in the menu on the top right corner.

Q. How do I post a comment?

A. You need to be registered to post a comment. Once you have registered you are ready to comment. In the post you want to comment on you click where it reads comment at the bottom of the post. Next you will click where it reads "post a comment". Type in a subject and then a comment. After you have wrote a comment click on preview. If it looks good and you are satisfied click on post comment. The last thing to do is check back to say what everyone else has to say.

Q. Can I use foul language?

A. If it serves a purpose, yes. If it is just cursing for cursing's sake then try to avoid it.

Q. What do I do if someone posts a comment I don't like?

A. Respectfully point out that they are wrong/out of line. If they keep up their offensive behaviour then you can e-mail me by using the "Contact US" section and I will review the situation.

Q. I have a blog, will you link to it?

A. The simple answer is yes but there are rules. I use my blogroll as my daily reading list so it has to be updated often and I also prefer that you have established yourself as a blogger because I don't like updating the list daily if you quit. That generally means that you've been writing consistently for a few months and have about 50-100 posts but definitely bring your blog to my attention.

Q. How can I support Pension Plan Puppets?

A. The best way to help Pension Plan Puppets succeed is to be an active member of the community. In other words, comment often and write diaries. If you want to contribute with money the best thing you can do is support the sponsors on the page by clicking through and buying things you might like.