
Total 131 Posts

400 Babies!

So last night I attended a baby shower for my friend.  Now, I don't want any babies of my own (at least not yet) but I sure do love babies.  Her little girl is just like a little doll.  And she rarely cries.  When she wants to eat,

Afternoon Edition!

This made me laugh, via cdn3.sbnation.com So I present to you a rare jewel here at PPP: the afternoon edition of the FTB!  I'd like to say I had a great excuse for not doing this last night, but I was over at a friend'

Lost in Lost

I don't even have anything to say. I am actually re-watching the Lost series finale to try to figure out what the hell happened (much like Team Russia at the World Championships and the Sharks). While I finish a bottle of wine. Yeah. Here's your links.

Go outside

It's the saturday night of a long weekend, I have fun to get to.  Also, I will be outside tomorrow because it's a long weekend and sunny.  Here's your links.\ * Will Nonis Replace Burke? Five Minutes for Fighting thinks Nonis could be Burke'

Guaranteed Tough

So yesterday morning Keiko decided to eat some more drywall.  We still haven't fixed the first hole she made, so I finally made the trip to Home Depot to buy some putty and all the other required tools to fix it.  As I walked down one aisle, I

Futuristic, Magical Beings

Since I live in Vancouver and the Olympics, like it or not, have been a pretty big factor in my life (I was hired right after graduating from University to work on the Urban Planning and Public Space Plan for the Olympic Village) I have become more interested in the

Puppy Picture

I have no ideas what to write for today's FTB.  So instead, I give you a new picture of Keiko.  She ripped the stuffing out of her elephant this weekend, so this photo is in honour of that faithful toy. * The Case For and Against Bob Cole Calling

Summertime is here

Summer has finally arrived in Vancouver.  I wore shorts for the first time this weekend, and when I was wearing long pants, I had a tank top on.  It was glorious.  So I started thinking about a few things I'm looking forward to, Leafs-wise, this summer.  Here'


Nothing happened in hockey yesterday. There were four links total I could find for today's FTB. So I thought I'd point out some history to everyone who is all aflutter about the Flyers' comeback. It was incredible and impressive and I am thankful that I


Last night, the greatest thing to hit twitter since #throwthesnake happened. It was a result of the horrible game 7 that the Penguins lost to the Habs (seriously, Fleury? Is your family all Habs fans that threatened you or something?). But @montrealcopcar has got to be one of the funniest

Separated at Birth

OK so on my way home yesterday I had about five great ideas for the FTB.  Well, not really, just two.  One was to do a whole post about how our own PPP resembles Dave Nonis and how this had something to do with Nonis turning down the Tampa Bay

Happy Happy Joy Joy

My parents flew in from Toronto last night.  I am tired from rushing home, walking the dog, picking them up, re-cleaning the house after they tracked in a ton of pine needles, making them dinner, setting up their bed, explaining to them how to operate the TV, where the grocery

I love Gaius Baltar

Most of you guys know that I love Battlestar Galactica.  It was a great series, and I still watch re-runs when I find them on TV.  But when it ended, it left a hole in my TV viewing.  I've tried to fill that hole with V and Flashforward,


So uh, nobody wanted an FTB yesterday, right?  Well, fortunately for me, there were very few links to put up anyways had I remembered to do it, so I included anything that I missed in today's FTB.  Still, sorry about that, I actually had a fun, relaxing weekend

Cleaning Mussels Sucks

Well I figured last night, after the Penguins showed the NHL how to beat Jaroslav Halak, that I'd make a special dinner. I had some great chorizo sausage I'd bought at a portugese bakery, and I ran down to the local fish market and got some

Thoughts On A Fan's Relationship With The Media

When I first moved to Vancouver and tried to follow the Maple Leafs I turned to the Internet instead of newspapers and TV because traditional sources were no longer as easily accessible.  I used to get up in the morning and go to the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and

Playoffs Suck

I honestly cannot remember the playoffs being this sucky in a long time. I am so frustrated by the teams this year, I have noone left to cheer for. I am still in shock that the Capitals blew it against the Habs last night - WTF Mike Green? Boudreau -

Smug Face

So when I got home from work yesterday, I accidentally overheard about 5 minutes of prattle from the Team 1040 about how the Toronto media apparently hate the Canucks. I was going to write a huge post about how pathetic they are, etc. etc. but then, I checked my e-mail

I'm Wendel Clark, you're the puck

So yesterday I got really bored.  Like, really, really bored.  So I finally did it - signed Jared up for Cougar Life.  Fergus30 was a great help in filling out the profile, but the icing on the cake was my answer to the question "What is your ideal fantasy

On Playoff Bandwagoning

With the Leafs out of the playoffs for yet another year, the time is again upon us to decide whether or not we want to find a playoff bandwagon to jump onto. I was thinking about this a lot yesterday, as I'm going to game 2 of the

Sunday Morning

I could write about the last game of the season, do a look-back at what was, and wasn't, accomplished this past year, really put some meat into this post.  But, it's Sunday morning, who wants to read about that? So here's a picture of


via imgs.xkcd.com Whenever the Leafs become a good team again, I'm going to be like this guy in yesterday's xkcd. I will find those people who said "the Leafs suck and have always sucked and will suck forever" and I'll

The 5 Reasons I love hockey

The deadline to write a fan post about this ended on Tuesday, but I thought you all might still like to read my 5 reasons.  I think #5 is unique to me!   If you don't really care about this, just scroll down and click the jump to read

Happy Anniversary to me!

* On this date - April 5 - two years ago, I was getting married.  It was an overcast day, maybe about 7C, which our photographer said was perfect for our pictures.  Everything went off with out a hitch, aside from my corset restricting how much I could eat, which really

Wiiii amount of sleep for me

Well I had a really cool idea for this FTB last night, but I knew it would take some effort to put together.  I brainstormed, made notes, and was excited to write it.  And then, we went for dinner at our friend's place, and played a bunch of
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