If 12 minutes of hockey from Traverse City wasn't enough for you, there's another game today. Hopefully they will have fixed their ice problems and the whole game will be back on the rink with the TV cameras.

Today's sole game is Dallas at Toronto at 6:30 pm. The final Leafs prospect game is on Sunday afternoon.

Yesterday the Leafs got smoked and because of the camera angle, the LD was the most noticeable player. This is likely why I thought Mikko Kokkonen was the best defender (not a good sign) and Noah Chadwick needs some work on his defensive decisions making. Jonny Tychonick looked good by comparison – not a good sign either.

As originally reported, the NHLPA and NHL are investigating the statements made on that podcast about Mike Babcock:

Bob talks draft:

Macklin Celebrini leads ‘Big Three’ atop Bob McKenzie’s TSN pre-season NHL draft ranking | TSN
Nine out of 10 NHL scouts surveyed to determine TSN’s Pre-Season Top 16 Rankings slotted the 17-year-old Boston University freshman from Vancouver at the top of their respective lists.

Gord Miller was invited to Ukraine to receive an award for his efforts in helping the tour of their team in Western Canada. He has some Twitter threads about it his visit:

The rest of the posts are on his timeline.

NHL considering changes to digital ad boards
The NHL is considering changes to its digitally enhanced dasherboards (DED) after fan criticisms during their debut season.

Contrast the Babcock investigation which the NHL and the NHLPA are making a fairly public fuss over – in ways unlike them – with this one:

If the NHL is serious about getting rid of the rug they normally sweep things under, that's good, but will they revert to hockey norms for something more serious than photo-gate?

That's it for now, and we'll try to post the link to the game later. As mentioned for game one, the Leafs Youtube is geoblocked (so very stupid) so look for the Red Wings feed on their site if you are in the USA.