This month on the Discovery Channel, they're running a series on the great migrations of the world. The journey's of the sperm whale, the endless flight of the sandhill crane, the multi-generational migration of the majestic monarch butterfly, and on and on.

This got me thinking about "migrations" I've made for hockey. I driven to Toronto on a Friday night to see Wendel Clark night that Saturday before walking up and heading back home on Sunday. I've spent a weekend in the city that fun forgot to see the World Junior Championships. I've gone deep into hostile territory and attended the 2009 NHL Draft in Montreal. As a kid, I once for some reason traveled to Kentucky for a hockey tournament.

What about you? What's the farthest "migration" you've made in the name of hockey?

Your links after the jump.

Goodbye Sweater

Not shown on TSN, after Florida's fourth goal, a fan in Miami threw their jersey on the ice.

In the Video Room; looking at Florida's third goal from Wednesday

And when he's not around, everyone should be asking "Where's Lebda?"

VLM sits down with Pat Quinn to talk Leafs

Give it a listen

Bruins trade 1st round pick to Toronto!

This and more goodness from Vintage Leafs

Scoring chances, microstats, and why they matter

Copper and Blue with some reading for those still skeptical of advanced stats

This should not be pleasant for anyone

JSG tells it like it is

Nice pigtails bro

LD with a fabulous find

The Leafs may suck, but the Marlies are turning their season around

BoO with a look in at the youngings

The unbearable lightness of McBean

Behind the Net introduces a new stat, the McBean ratio

Can the All-Star Game be saved?

This and more in this weeks Globe and Mail podcast

It's question time over at MLHS

Take a shot at answering them

Tim Brent is this week's theme for Friday's Youtube Yoinkage

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