Mikhail Grabovski superfan PPP takes a look at some popular comparables with a special focus on CapGeek's list:

As soon as the deal came out, people were looking to make comparisons to other signed deals. Cap Geek tweeted a link to a comparison of 20 comparable cap hits that was immediately seized upon. "Ha! Look! Grabovski makes more than Ryan Kesler!" or some variation thereof made a lot of appearances on twitter.

It's a limited comparison but the conclusion will probably interest you.

More links after the jump.

Leafs Links

Nothin' Bruin

Cam Charron breaks down the scoring chances for last night's game

Quick Hits: 5 More Years of Grabovski

BCP weighs in on Grabbo's re-signing.

A Brief History of Ron Wilson

DGB with a pseudo biography on the Leafs' former coach.

The Carlyle "Defensive System" Needs a Little More Work, Eh?

Mike Langlois reminds us that people need to stop looking for changes over just two games.

Makes Sense


Game Recaps

Mirtle at the Globe and Mail

Game in 10 at MLHS

Somebody else at the Globe and Mail

Scoring Chances at Leafs Nation

Other Links

How Do Players Perform Pre- and Post-Concussion?

Since you've seen JML play, you already know the answer to this one.

30 Thoughts

Go read now.