Here it is, the second installment of links, with song lyrics.  See a lyric you think you know, throw the song and artist in the comments. I know what you're really here for...

Manic Monday - Relient K (Punk Goes 80's) (via dkproductions94)

And yes, this is a shtick...

  • Dr. Steve tells us about what to expect when Gustavsson comes around.
  • Down Goes Brown has a few words on Red Wings fans. So, this is where the outcome unfurls and the truth is being told.
  • "Why so few links?" you ask.  Well, TSM notes with hockey "over" the MSM has little to say. He doesn't know they've made other plans, and hockey will just be distracting to them.
  • Rangers fans flash back to their own 1967, except, it was in 1994.  I can remember 1994 better than if I were remembering distant memories.
  • Although few Pens are actually of age, they took the cup clubbing.  Ain't nothing for the cup to shut the club down.
  • Crosby attempts to smooth the ruffled feathers of wings captain Lidstrom.  Meanwhile, Lidstrom is still waiting for a handshake and can be found at the Joe saying "Have you got a minute? Have you got a year?"
  • Five for Howling asks the question no one else has.  Let's spread the facts on the floor like a fan./


  • TO Sports takes a crack at a mock draft.  I've got to get this feeling off my chest: If Tampa drafts Tavares, I will barf.
  • Wrap talks Tavares.  Her head has no room for him, probably because Cowen is FREAKING HUGE!  :)/