
Total 149 Posts

And Now, the End is Near...

And so I face, the final curtain. Well gang, that's it for 2009.  Say good bye to the first decade of the century while you're at it.  I've no idea what 2010 and beyond holds for the Leafs, but I can't be

We're Leaving Together, but Still it's Farewell

We're in the homestretch now.  The final 48 hours of 2009 are upon us.  Be you happy, sad or indifferent, one thing is for certain, we're all moving forward.  Well, all of us except these guys.  They're timeless! There's hockey on tonight

It's the Beginning of the End...

...of the year!  If you're looking for the right song to play as the clock rings in 2010, might I suggest the following?  Oh, and by the way, lyrics are completely NSFW. Leafs play tomorrow tonight (sigh.)  I have no idea who it's against, but I&

Like the Leafs Ian White, Santa Delivers In the Clutch

Christmas came and went without much of a hitch for mi familia blurr here in California.  The sun shone, the weather was pleasant.  You know, just your typical Christmas day.  Presents were opened, receipts exchanged, food eaten.  When I finally got home, I took stock of our haul, and was

Christmas Ain't the Time for Breaking Each Other's Hearts

'Twas the day before Christmas, and all through the Barilkosphere, not a blogger was writing, not even LD. The FTB was typed, all snug in it's spot, with hopes that more links would soon show up... * BoO's Five-O got drunk with NSFW and all he

Atom Bombs & Blunt Razors

It has been determined, if not thoroughly proven, that the Leafs are never going to win on talent alone. They need to work. They need to fight. Not fisticuffs (but ya, some of that won't hurt...) but puck battles. Take a page from Nikolai Kulemin's performance

Everything Tastes Better When the Novocaine Sets In

There goes the rhythm!  Leafs lost again last night, like you didn't already know that.  So much for win two, lose one.  Poop... I've got nothing else to add, my mind is experiencing some sort of blackout.  Maybe I'm numb...?  Butch Walker is going

Want it Fast & Hard (No, That's Not What She Said...)

Here's the skinny.  At this writing, I've literally just walked in the door from a weekend in San Francisco.  I've left my wife to unload the car and put the bubba to bed, as I've got important things to attend to.  No,

Ask and Ye Shall Receive, or Be Careful What You Wish For...

I made the mistake of pointing out a slow trickle of blog posts for yesterday's previous FTB, and what do you know?  It's a full on deluge of posts today!  When it rains it pours.  I think I've filled my cliche quote for the

What is the Sound of Nobody Typing?

Between taxing games of beer-pong and co-ed pillow fights, we here at PPP Amalgamated Heavy Industries and Corner Lemonade Stands LLC put in long arduous hours of work. So you can imagine, much to our chagrin, that after the Leafs loss to the Coyotes there wasn't much of

I've Been Busy Making Other Plans

So it is another short and sweet FTB.  Well, short anyways... * Our very own Bitter Leaf kicks things off first. Is John Mitchell's injury the best thing to ever happen to the Leafs (Stajan in particular) so far this season? Speaking of Matt Stajan, how much money is

Celebrating the Leafs Good Points...

is much easier when they're actually winning games.  Wouldn't you agree?  Moral victories are all well and good (psst, they're not) but a few "W's" are what it's all about.  When those losses pile up, it's

Leafsday is My Favorite Day

* On Mondays, eyebleaf likes to think about stuff, and hockey. * Rankings through science! Dr. Steve PHD has the formulas. * Just your usual general Seuss. Or is it Doctor borschevsky? * Phil Kessel is out wandering the wilds of Toronto. Loser Domi's "Holiday Kesstacular!" continues. * Down Goes Brown

It's Friday, I'm Tired

* Sure Brendan Witt gets all the press, but Down Goes Brown wants you to know that hockey players get hit by moving vehicles all the time. * You know what Friday needs? More commercials. * Shhh. Jared's sleeping . * Yes, the Leafs lost, but there were still some positives in the

Leafs Win, Isles Lose and My Dad is Taller Than Yours

Oh, he's serious. Well that was fun, and sticks with what appears to be the Leafs recent penchant for lose one, win two. That means tonight's game against Boston should be a...oh. Crap. Maybe we should give this guy's dad a call and

On the First Day of Leafsmas, My True Love Gave to Me....

A pretty kick-ass Leafs stocking. (available here. via images.footballfanatics.com) It's officially "holiday season" and I am in full swing.  Enjoy the links, and have some Leafs-nog (aka-beer.) * Down Goes Brown and Bloge Salming manage to make me feel better about the Leafs loss to

Leafs Slay the Juggernaut!

I'm still recovering from Millen's (correct) assertion that the Atlanta Thrashers are an "offensive juggernaut." That phrase seems counter-intuitive to the Thrashers entire history. I've been watching hockey for a long time and never in all those years have I heard that

Less Than Zero or a Hazy Shade of Winter?

Mr. and Mrs. blurr1974 say hello from California. Not pictured - bubba. (via product.images.fansedge.com) In my neck of sunny California, the mercury is dipping dangerously close to zero.  To compound the issue, there is a storm rolling in with a chance of showers.  Depending on how things

I Need a Cigarette...

Last night was amazing.  Was it good for you?  It was good for me.  So good.  I've heard the commercials.  "Call a doctor if it lasts for longer than 4 hours" but ya know what?  I'm not calling any doctor.  Call me crazy, but

Monster Yes, Monster No

This is apropos of nothing, it just makes me laugh, and I'm drunk on night time cold medicine...(via kqe.de) * Sure, Keith Ballard gets all the press, but it's a little known fact that teammates inflict injuries on one another quite often. Don't

Leafs Win, but Sort of Lose...

Gustavsson's buddies were so concerned they rushed straight to the hospital. (via www.cfnews13.com) * Steve takes apart Cox's latest article, a little bit at a time. Poor guy never really stood a chance. * Slava Duris brings the gift of maths with the breakdown of Leafs

Leafs Lose. Sun Rises. Water Wet.

* Are the Leafs infected with Blake-itis (woeful shooting percentages are a symptom) or the victim of the "visiting goalie channels the ghost of Georges Vezina?" Or worse, is it some ghastly combination of the two!?!? Hungry Leafs Fan doesn't know for sure, so he suggest one

My Heart is Crammed in My Cranium...

...and it still knows how to pound.  It's the Monday after a long weekend and Frank Black is singing a song just for me. Let's just get to the links. * Steve is wondering what kind of return Niklas Hagman and Ian White could net the Leafs.

This Will be Brief

Somewhere, in a land that time forgot, there is a place without wi-fi.  In this place, there is a home where there is not high-speed internet.  In this home is me, trying to figure out how exactly I can get this piece written, links collected and then posted, on a

Leafs No Turkeys

The feel good vibe we're building here extended all the way down to Tampa Bay last night, and the result?  A Leafs win. Lots to like about the game, but even more to like about the links, so lets get to it.  Oh, and before I go, happy
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