It's the off-season as far as I'm concerned, which means there is plenty of hand-wringing to be done. The Leafs wouldn't actually be so stupid as to give up something good for Jonathan Bernier, right? They wouldn't sign Tyler Bozak back, right? What will this draft look like? How long will it take them to re-sign Phil Kessel? How can they shore up the 'D'?

Well, we've only heard rumours, but Cam Charron has a piece up at The Leafs Nation looking at what has been bandied about, lately. A pick for a defenceman?

Nick Kypreos snapped the above picture of Nonis and new Oilers GM Craig MacTavish "POSSIBLY TALKING ABOUT A DEFENCEMAN FOR A PICK". There could be a few "agreements in principle" made this week to be announced once the Stanley Cup Finals are over, but so far the Leafs have been quiet.

I think it's important to note the phrasing here: "possibly talking about a defenceman for a pick" probably just means that Nick Kypreos can't hear anything, and that he's totally speculating. "Just great", I'll bet you're thinking, "just what I needed to see, more rumour mongering". Hey, look on the bright side:

1) We DO need defence, and even though Edmonton isn't likely to provide the solution we're looking for, maybe, just maybe, Dave Nonis will stun us all, and try to fix what actually needs to be fixed.

[Edit: So after reading the Kypreos Tweet, I've realized that it's actually the other way around. Kypreos is speculating that the Leafs would want to move up in the draft. Uh... crap.]

2) If Nonis does something silly, at least he's not dealing a first round pick in the top 15 (this year), so it mitigates risk.

On to the other links:

Will the Leafs talk to Matt Cooke this summer?

Do we really want Jonathan Bernier?
Another emphatic "NO" goes to Michael Langlois' question.

Vintage Leafs: New photos up
This link is to one of Russ Courtnall, but there are others to check out, so go browse around.

Hybrid icing, mandatory visors could be in place in NHL next season
Still wish they'd just do no-touch. Oh well. Story from Matthew Carroll at the Globe.

Shoalts: Coyotes’ time in the desert grows short
The vultures are circling, says David Shoalts, and Seattle looks like the favourite to get the team. Of course, we've heard this story before.

Joel Quenneville better figure it out quick
As I write this, OT is ongoing, so let's hope he's got it already. Article from Ryan Lambert. Oh wait, Chicago just scored. Good.