Our Top 25 Under 25 may be over, but you can still have your say! Commentor voting for the 20 - 6 positions closed yesterday with some... peculiar results. Given it's my contest, and I can do whatever I want, I am spontaneously changing the rules so that the five players with the most up-votes move on to the final round. Sorry, but Hyman can only win once.

This means the following 5 players made it to round 3: Kapanen (+909), Brown (+780), Marincin, (+671), Holland (+665), and Johnson (+660). This is the same as our own rankings except Dick Panik is out, replaced by Andreas Johnson.

Think a player is ranked too high? Vote them down. Think a player is too low? Vote them up. You can skip a player to leave them where they are.

NB: The list is embedded from a Ranker.com template which updates with newly recorded votes about every 5 minutes. If you refresh the page before the update, you may not see your votes tallied. Just wait and come back a few minutes later.

Best Toronto Maple Leafs Players