Good morning Toronto Maple Leafs fans!

That's the biggest news out there. It's morning.

Searching for news has led me to the conclusion that it's the clickbait time of year so I won't be talking breathlessly about how Sebastian Aho affects William Nylander, or how to solve the cap problems with this one simple trick (Gary Bettman hates it!).

So, let's discuss things, and share anything you find in the comments.

Question one: Who is your all-time favourite Maple Leaf?

It's a hard one but I've always been a fan of defenders. It's my position in beer league (more ice time, less skating). I'm going to go with Tomas Kaberle.

Question two: Do you remember your first live hockey game?

Organized game of any sort it was a St. Catharines Falcons Jr B game.

NHL it was Sabres/Panthers in '96. Brawl at the end of the game and I got to watch Dominik Hasek play from on the glass seats.

First Leafs game was a Habs/Leafs pre-season game from standing room at centre ice after the cancelled season.

Question Three: Who is the one player you want/ed to see as a Leaf?

The Gretzky trade that never was would have been neat, but I'll settle for that full season of Brian Leetch we never got.

Topic four: Change an on ice rule.

Me. It's penalties last the full time and you play down as many guys are in the box. Give me some 4 on 2 or 5 on 1 action.

That's that. We'll think up more for later.

Enjoy your day everyone!