Godd Till Kim Jorn

Total 12 Posts

Mittenstringer Of The Year 2013 - This isn't 'Nam. There are rules.

It's time to pick the 2013 Mittenstringer of the Year.

Cox Bloc Presents: Godd Till's Time Machine - Transmission # 5

Godd and the gang are stuck in 1993.

Godd Till's Time Machine - Transmission # 2 - 1996

Godd Till's Time Machine crash lands in 1996.

COX BLOC PRESENTS: Godd Till's Time Machine - Transmission #1

Godd Till and the gang take a trip to 1989.

UPDATED! COX BLOC PRESENTS: The 2012 Mittenstringer of the Year

We tried to do a friend a solid and suppress the results of the voting, but the truth always comes out in the end. We're sorry James, the people have spoken.

2012 Mittenstringery Of The Year Award: The Shortlist

It turns out that the Mayans didn't mean that the world was going to end in 2012 but after reading these 'elite' examples of 'journalism' I don't think you'd be remiss to wish that we had suffered the hellish landscape that Erich von Däniken foolishly predicted.

Cox Bloc Presents: What, Me Work?

The Tell-it-like-it-is Zone where YOU, the discerning blog READER, respond.

Pan The Parade

"Well, I’m at a loss. The only… you’ve got to look through his statistics, he’s got some offensive flair, he is not what you would call a rugged, truculent, testosteronic, guy… He’s more of a 3rd of July parade guy. He likes to enjoy the

Cox Bloc Presents: A Riot of Their Own

"After watching news reports/interviews, seems obvious initial trouble (burning vehicles) was orchestrated by left wing loons/anarchists." - Bob McKenzie (TSN Hockey Analyst) KJ: Since you are quite the Twit, I assume you saw what McKenzie had to say in the wee hours of Thursday morning. Is

COX BLOC PRESENTS: Some Torontonians laugh at the Toronto Star

Editor's Note: Because this is such a great post you should 'like' the post and tweet it. Use the handy buttons if you are so inclined.William Alfonso is a lifelong Torontonian but he reads Peterborough This Week — and he says his 2-year-old son will, too.

Cox Bloc Presents: This one goes to 11

When Till got married last summer, I had the honour of being his best man and showed my appreciation by getting stupid drunk on his tab. To show his appreciation for me spending a day in a suit and the following morning over a toilet, Godd got me a little

Cox Bloc Presents: He's Bad, He's Nationwide

We know that if we're getting the band back together we are going to have to bash out our big hit before we get to our new single that no one wants to hear and songs from our difficult third album that only the hardcores bothered to buy.
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