Howard Waddington

Total 174 Posts

Saturday Night Just Isn't Right Without You

Oh, this little thing? Just something I threw together. On a beach. In November. * No better place to start today than round at Dr Steve's place - here covering the budding optimism in Leaf land. * It's a battle of the Leaf blogs over at NHL Arena.

Red Hot Special '2 Game Winning Streak' Edition

Time for another foreign languages lesson today, me hearties. Our subject - Phil 'WHO ELSE?' Kessel. As I'm sure the countless Deutsche-o-phones amongst you will already know, Kessel is German for 'Kettle'. You see? Works perfectly. He's a device for heating things

Impossible Is Nothing

You know Vesa...when we said rally caps...actually - never mind. G'wan yerself, young man. * Oh we of little faith. The super duper soaraway shootout win over the Capitals is reviewed by Rock outta SoCal, Norman James Sports, Kavel's comics, Jared in ten words or

From Despair To Where?

Barilkosphere - your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to somehow get from the left of the picture to the right.This task has already proved very difficult for some of the finest minds in the league. And also Ron Wilson. This post will self destruct in ten

Celebrating David Danforth Edition

Two more steps to the left now, Stajan....your suffering will soon be over.... * Surprisingly omitted from the links yesterday (PPP has lost it, clearly) - pray silence for the latest post from Bloge Salming, featuring Leafs having to go out and actually earn some money for once. * Game reviews


* Ho and indeed ha! Two in two for the mighty Blue and White and mornings suddenly dawn brighter. Last night's action is reviewed by Maple Leaf Hot Stove, Moustache Fever, Toronto Mike, Straight Outta SoCal, Die Hard Blue & White, Truculence Is Everything and The Hockey News. As

A Love Supreme

It's always hard to be the new guy. I had to leave Boston though, all that black was doing nothing for my complexion. Still, you'd have thought the guys would make more of an effort to make me feel a part of it. They never pass

Winning The Prince of Wales Trophy - One Point At A Time

* Well, what Halloween party would be complete without losing to the smegging Habs? Your game reviews come courtesy of Rock Outta SoCal, Leafs247, Toronto Mike, Norman James Sports, Toronto Sports Media, Kavel Pubina and the latest addition to the Barilkosphere, Moustache Fever. Habs Eyes On The Prize looks at it

This Just In!

* Remember folks; if it isn't mentioned in the FTB then it didn't happen. So the big news from yesterday is the Marlies taking on and taking out the Adirondack Phantoms, three to nothing. * Sigh, alright - if you must. Not much in the way of review

A Slap In The Mouth Or A Slug From A .45

You know, it's at times like this I like to head out into the chill fall air and enjoy the good things in life. Maybe go out walking in the countryside and savour the rich tapestry of nature - the singing birds, the golden sun and auburn hues

Opposite Day

That's right kind folk of the Barilkosphere, it's opposite day here at PPP Amalgamated Heavy Industries. Why undertake such a Ben Onerous task, you might say? Frankly, we've been looking forwards and doing things the right way for coming on for four weeks now

The Pit of Ultimate Darkness

* I think we need a bit of cheer today. And Bloge Salming is the man to provide it. * Anyway, so that's it for the larks and funnies. Last night's action is reviewed by Leafs247, Jared in 10 words or less stylee, a more than slightly cross

Is This The Day?

Is this the day a win comes to Toronto? Is this the day someone scores twice in sixty minutes? In forty minutes? In twenty? Is this the day someone puts more than two points on the board? Is this the day we kill a penalty? Is this the day Garnet

The Beat(en) Generation

The National Affairs desk has dreams, man - you know? Crazy dreams. Riding the tracks to the Spadina stockyards with a battered acoustic guitar and notebook full of tragicomic poetry, hoping to make my mark on the mind blowing readings on Front St. Man, those would be crazy times. Shared

Viewer Discretion Advised

Here at PPP Amalgamated Heavy Industries, we take our responsibilities as moral guardians and arbiters of taste and decency seriously. With that in mind, I respectfully take leave to suggest that the following rating system be employed for the Game Day Threads - that way the adults can cuss up

Finland = Winland

For real yo, this little toaster is our ticket to 160 points this season. So then. Not the best start to the season, but fear not my timorous brethren. MLSE MegaCorp (in association with Zorin Industries) have been diligently beavering away in their research labs and are now ready to

All The Muck That's Fit To Rake

Truly these are the salad days of hockey linkerage. The season is but two days old, the hopes and dreams of the masses are still fertile and fruitful and Carlo Colaiacovo isn't on the Injured Reserved list And still...well, and still we on the National Affairs desk

Goaltending: Life On The Streets

Fade up to a grimy street corner at night, somewhere in North America in 2014. Enter hotshot investigative reporter, Guy Smiley. "Life on the streets. It's a tough world out here. Crime, narcotics, rum, sodomy and the lash." He encounters a strangely well-dressed man of the

Full Blue And White Jacket

Goddammit! I want to see your war face Stajan! AAARRRGGGHHH! Jesus H. Christ! You maggots must be the worst bunch of low rent, white bread, no label, link seeking pukes I've ever set my eyes on! Get on the floor and give me fifty! That's push-ups,

Phoning It In

iMik is only one of the latest exciting iPhone Apps! Here on the National Affairs Desk, we like to keep abreast of current technological developments. Just because it's already two years old (and makes everyone within a 20 yard radius hate you to the grave) doesn't

Söme Åssembly Required.

Hellö everybödy ånd welcöme tö flåt påck, self-åssembly FTB, dåted Såturdåy September 19th. Pleåse tö be ensuring thåt yöu håve å cleån, well ventilåted spåce för this cönstructiön. Ensure nöt tö inhåle töö much funky glue, lest yöu end up like writing like Eyebleåf. Åre we reådy, super röck furniture

Brian Burke IS...The Third Man (In)

Joseph Cotton is about to find out how things get done downtown. Attaboy! The sign on the frosted glass says 'Brian Burke - Private Detective'. That's me, BB - the sharp harp. Kidnapping, extortion, missing persons, fixing problems - you name it, it's my

Wellwood Latest To Be Probed In Transgender Controversy, Doctors Report 'Two Healthy Heartbeats'

General Douglas MacArthur, Jesus, Bobby Ewing, the Ayatollah Khomenini….Curtis Joseph….and now me. Your chosen one has returned to the National Affairs Desk to lead you back to the land of milk and honey – limited supplies of Ambrosia will be available for the lactose intolerant. * My esteemed colleague mf37

Tragic News - Hannu Toivonen No Longer On The Shelf

Contrary to any wild stories you may have heard, I spent yesterday contributing to a wide range of charitable foundations, teaching school children the values of road safety and nursing a sick puppy named Scraps back to health. My thanks though to our own Moaning Millie and my rival for

Latest Cadre (Kadri?) Of Red Hot Teens Hit Toronto

* Sunday's links commence with Dr Steve's read on the Leafs picks at the draft, from Kadri to D'Amigo. * Maple Leaf Hot Stove covered day 2 with a live blog, then hit the rumour trail - not once but twice! (Operation 'Put a smile
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