Howard Waddington

Total 174 Posts

A Little Local Difficulty

North America was collectively pissed when the Riddler owned the podium. Well, I don't think this mother needs any more building up from the likes of me. Whatever happens, we're going to be talking and chewing on this for a long, long time. The FTB has

Finally, The Clash This Tournament Has Been Crying Out For

Hail, Hail Robonia, A land I didn't make up...... This is it, the big one. Aside from that trifling matter of little or no importance tomorrow of course. Tonight will decide both the men's bronze medal in ice hockey and European bragging rights until the next

Two Tribes

Canada/USA, Russia/Czech Republic, Sweden/Finland. What a great day of hockey this promises to be. The pressure people put on themselves and the rivalry between the teams is much more marked. And I think that's a good thing. As long as that rivalry remains within the

International Standard Drinking

You know, a lot people have asked me how I'm able to follow sports that take place when most sensible people are in bed. The answer of course, is simple. Booze. That's right, short upon double upon measure upon pint upon litre upon boot upon yard

Your New Favourite Roster Filler

* Fresh from a botched attempt to kidnap his wife, extort money from his father and ultimately make Steve Buscemi end up in a wood chipper, Jamie Lundmark joins the Blue and White after being claimed off the waiver wire. Maple Leaf Hot Stove, Toronto Sports Media, Matchsticks and Gasoline, The

Always Believe In Your Soul

* Those of you that haven't sneaked out of class already to watch the ski jumping (always been a particular favourite of mine), will have noticed that the Leafs played their last game before the Olympic greak last night, going down 4 - 0 to the Blues. Vintage Leaf

Current "Gettin' Giggy wit It" Status: Severe

Luke owns Ottawa so much, they should just rename the team the "Schennators" Our very own Archimedies, via Twitter It's hard to imagine that the Blue and White wouldn't be charged up for the fourth battle of Ontario of the year after events of


I thought we'd give the levity a miss today if it's okay with you chaps. * More on yesterdays desperate news from Indiana from Toronto Sports Media, Maple Leaf Hot Stove, The Hockey Writers, Puck Daddy, NHL Fanhouse, Toronto Mike, Rock Outta SoCal and Wrap. * The Leafs

Leafs Go Trade Crazy - The Media Reaction

Just as I was posting the FTB earlier this afternoon, I saw something in my Twitter feed, to wit: Source tells me "major changes" coming today for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Via DarrenDreger on Twitter, Sun 31 Jan 13:53 And my first thought was, 'Eff me,

Carry On Into The Rapture

Jesus H. Christ. Now, I'm a big believer in that old "It's always the darkest just before dawn" doctrine, but this really takes the biscuit. And the cup of coffee it came with. And the table you're drinking it off. And probably

Like A Horse And Carriage

The arrangements are made, the bells are ringing and no doubt there will be tears and a punch-up before bedtime - for today is the day for our glorious 2IC, Chemmy. That's right folks, the wandering jammies have been been officially retired. From now on, it's

A Round On The Sabbath Links.

* With no Leafs game last night (sit down the boy who cheered!), the Marlies moved into the spotlight - sadly going down 5 - 2 to the Houston Astros, Kyle Calder and Greg Scott with the markers. * Dr Steve has thoughts on Friday's game in DC, along with

The Breakdown Of Society

In an post-apocalyptic landscape, brought to the very brink of existence itself by a cataclysm known only as the 'JFJ Event', two figures move slowly through the ash-laden air.Their chances are not good, the statistics say 1 - 9 in the last ten games. The last ten

The Missile Gap

* Another Saturday night in Palookaville and the Leafs fall 4 - 1 against the Penguins. Alex Tran at MLHS has his post game thoughts as does Toronto Mike and there's a review of the action from The Hockey News. Pensburgh supplies opinion from Pennsylvania. * The Marlies fared no

HUAC to reform, indict Miller, Myers.

* Leafs played Buffalo who played Ryan Miller in goal and....I don't really need to finish that sentence, do I? Good on Jared, Under The Helmet of Slava Duris, The Hockey News and Die By The Blade for saving me the trouble then. * In further 'copping for

Nearly Back To The Grindstone Edition

* The Leafs dropped the last game of their mini-road trip 3 - 1 last night against the Flames. Views from the side of righteousness and truth come from Jared and AkiSchennberg. Opinions from the forces of evil and misery from the gamethread at Matchsticks and Gasoline. Dull but worthy copy

2010 - Chinese Year Of The Leaf

So then, a start to the decade that will finally bring the cup back to Toronto (offer is NOT legally binding in North America). I'm sure, like me, you've all been pondering hard on what resolutions to make this year - especially binding ones of course,

A Distinct Halak Of Christmas Cheer

The man who knew too much... Gustavsson is going to start which makes me smile and he'll be facing off against Jaroslav Halak. That means that the Leafs will need about 50 shots to get 3 goals. by PPP on Dec 26, 2009 8:00 PM GMT in

The Gloves Are Off

I'll be rainin' down the pain on anyone who describes these links as 'shoddy'. * At this time of contemplation and reflection, let's look back at where it all began for Bloge Salming. * Friend of the show Loser Domi dusts off the second part

What A Difference A Day Makes

Eh, it was only Jefferson. Hop to it South Dakota, tout de suite! * Let's get reviewing, because that was all too beautiful. Like a Japanese meal (or how PPP makes love), small portions but soooo many courses from Wrap, Eyebleaf, Jared, Rock Outta SoCal, The Hockey News and

Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child

So I says to God, I says "He's playing again tonight. Yeah, I know...dude couldn't stop a pig in passage and now he's backing us up against the Sabres." You know God, he's sympathetic. Always has a good word

Ole' Blue Eyes Is Back.

...although with seventeen points in his last sixteen games, he never went away. Perhaps I owe this man an apology for suggesting a kitten sniper was going to take him out a few weeks back. I'll level with you good people - I was absolutely full of scotch

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.

My dearest Jiří, It's been a week now and I still can't believe we've parted. Those dreams we had, the plans we made...all so much dust on the breeze. I saw you last night, in your fancy new clothes. A goal on your

Showing Up Late For Class

A classic anxiety dream. It's your first day in a new job, but your attempts to get to the office on time are thwarted at every turn. You're giving a huge presentation and suddenly you're in your birthday suit in front of all those

A Return To The Province of Massachusetts Bay

Ladies and Gentlemen, I come to you with a heartfelt request - a plea, if you will. Being an Englishman who spends most of his idle time on North American websites, I tend to take a fair about of good-natured flak about certain events that took place a long time
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